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Ting Ting holding her photo book Impressions of Newfoundland: The Art of Ting Ting Chen
standing in front of Cabot Tower
Photo Credit: Robert Tilley
About Me
Ting Ting Chen is a St. John’s based fine art photographer. Her photography works showcasing the beauty of Newfoundland have won multiple prestigious international photography awards, including Overall Winner in the 18th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, 1st Place Winner in 9th Fine Art Photography Awards, Shortlisted in the Royal Photographic Society's International Photography Exhibit 164, 2021 International Photography Awards Silver Winner, etc. Her works have been displayed in solo and joint exhibits in Spain, Germany, Paris, Budapest, Tokyo, and the US. She left her home in Asia and came to Newfoundland Canada in 2018. She has found her new home in Newfoundland and her muse. Newfoundland is the inspiration for her photography. Robert Tilley, born in 1948 and a true Newfoundlander, is her best friend and eternal muse. Robert and Ting Ting have traveled most parts of Newfoundland, and he appears in many of her photos as a model.
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Awards ( Order by the latest date)
2024 Independent Publisher Book Awards
Ting Ting's book Impressions of Newfoundland won the 2023 Independent Publisher Book Awards
39th Annual Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Awards from Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council
Ting Ting has won the Emerging Artist Award from the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council at the 39th annual Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Awards.
Winner of the Arts and Letters Awards
Ting Ting's Artwork A Midsummer Morning's Dream: A Self-Portrait won the 72nd Arts and Letters Awards
Shortlisted for the APMA Best Atlantic-Published Book Award, 2024
Ting Ting's book Impressions of Newfoundland has been shortlisted for the APMA Best Atlantic-Published Book Award.
Finalist in the 2023 Foreward Indie Book Awards
My book, Impressions of Newfoundland, has become a finalist in the 2023 Foreward Indie Book Awards for the Adult Non-fiction, Photography category.
2023 Canadian Printing Awards
My book, Impressions of Newfoundland, published by Breakwater Books and printed by Marquis Book Printing, won the Canadian Printing Awards in the Books, Softcover Offset category
Selected for the City of St. John’s 2023 Art Procurement Program
Ting Ting's artwork Vessel for Time has been selected by the City of St. John's for their City of St. John’s 2023 Art Procurement Program. My artwork will be displayed as part of the Civic Art Collection
1st Place Winner in the 2023 reFocus Awards
Ting Ting's artwork The Duke won the 1st Place Winner in the 2023 reFocus Awards and was awarded Discovery of the Year. See her winning image in the winners' gallery.
Finalist for the 38th Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Awards,2023
Ting Ting was nominated as one of the three finalists for the Artist of the Year Award held by the Newfoundland and Labrador Art Council.
Winner of Life Framer Photo Contest
Ting Ting's artwork Surealness in Bowring Park won Life Framer's Photo Contest themed in Color. See her winning image and jury's comment here.
1st Place Winner in 9th Fine Art Photography Awards
Ting Ting's artwork The Duke won 1st Place Winner in the Portrait category in the 9th Fine Art Photography Awards. Ting Ting's self-portrait Vessel for Time, Sorrow, and Surrealness in Bowring Park won Nominees for the same Awards.
Finalist in the Life is Scene Open Call Awards 2023
Ting Ting's self-portrait Vessel for Time has been selected as the finalist in the F'c Diary Photo Open Call 2023. See her winning image here.
Editors' Pick in LensCulture's Portrait Awards 2023
LensCulture has chosen my artwork The Duke as the Editors' Pick for the Portrait Awards 2023. My artwork is now featured in LensCulture's Competition Gallery.
Editors' Pick in LensCulture's Art Photography Awards 2023
LensCulture has chosen my artwork Hushed as the Editors' Pick for the Art Photography Awards 2023. My artwork is now featured in LensCulture's Competition Gallery.
Gold Winner in the 2022 Budapest International Foto Awards
My photo The Duke won the Gold Winner in the 2022 Budapest International Foto Awards. My photo The Milkmaid won the Honorable Mention.
Shortlisted in the 2022 BBA One Shot Awards, Berlin
My photo Temptations was shortlisted in the 2022 BBA One Shot Awards and was exhibited in BBA gallery in Berlin.
Silver Winner in the 2022 Paris Photography Prize, Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris
My photo Quidi Vidi Plantation won the Silver Winner. My photo Skin to Skin and Surrealness in Bowring Park both won Bronze Winner. My photo Serenity in St. Vincent's, Play Time, and The Parlor of Tilley House won Honorable Mention. Click each photo to see them in the Winners Gallery.
Official Selections in the 2022 IPA International Photography Awards
My photo The Duke and The Parlor of Tilley House won the Official Selection in the 2022 IPA.
Shortlisted in the Royal Photographic Society's IPE 164
I have become a shortlisted photographer in the International Photography Exhibit 164 held by the Royal Photographic Society! The photographers were chosen from a worldwide open call in which over 6000 images were entered by 3466 photographers worldwide. My work The Duke is shortlisted. The final selection of 100 images will be chosen from the shortlisted prints in September and will be announced later this year. Find more details about IPE 164 here, and see the full shortlist here.
Official Selection in IPA One Shot - Colors Photo Contest
My work Temptations and Surrealness in Bowring Park have won Official Selection in the One Shot Photography Contest - Colors held by the International Photography Awards. You can see my images in IPA One Shot Official Selection Gallery in the "Fine Art" section.
Overall Winner in the 18th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards
My fine art portrait The Duke won the Overall Winner in the 18th edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, which is a renowned photography award for women photographers worldwide! My work will be exhibited in a Fully-paid Solo Exhibition in FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona in October 2022. Click here to see my winning image. My winning image is published in the No.27 Issue of the FotoNostrum Magazine.
Shortlisted in the 2022 Lucie Foundation Open Call
My fine art portrait work "Veiled" was selected as the finalist in the Lucie Foundation's 2022 Open Call Carte Blanche. See my work in the online gallery of Lucie Foundation here.
Grand Winner in the 2021 Flickr Your Best Shot Photo Contest
My fine art portrait work "The Duke" was selected as the winner of the 2021 Flickr "Your Best Shot" photo contest in the People and Portraits category. Only 7 winners were selected among nearly 14000 entries this year! One winner in each category!
View the Winners Gallery here. For more information about my winning image such as how it was captured, read Flickr's Blog here. Flickr interviewed me via "16 Questions about One Photo", read it here.
The video "announcing the winners" could be watched on the SmugMug channel on YouTube, and the judges' comments on my work start at 33'10''. Click here to watch.
Gold Winner in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards
My work "Surrealness in Bowring Park" won the Gold Winner in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards.
My work "The Duke" won the Silver Winner in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards.
My work "Serenity In St. Vincent’s" won the Silver Winner in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards.
My work "The Parlor of Tilley House" won the Official Selection in the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards.
I am also chosen by the 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards Jury in their Country Pick as a Canadian photographer.
Gold Winner in the 2021 Budapest International Foto Awards
My work "The Parlor of Tilley House" won the Gold Winner in the 2021 Budapest International Foto Awards.
My work "At Home" and "Surrealness In Bowring Park" won the Bronze Winner in the 2021 Budapest International Foto Awards.
I am also chosen by the 2021 Budapest International Foto Awards Jury in their Country Pick as a Canadian photographer.
Four of my photos won Honorable Mention in the 2021 Budapest International Foto Awards. Click here to view them: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4.
Silver Winner in the 2021 International Photography Awards
I Won the 2nd Place Prize in the Fine Art-Landscape category of the 2021 IPA International Photography Awards, one of the most prestigious photography awards worldwide!! My winning image is now posted on the online IPA Winners Gallery and has been published in the 2021 IPA Annual Book of Photography
I am chosen as a Canadian photographer by the IPA jury in their Country Pick of 2021 IPA International Photography Awards
Ten of my photos won the Honorable Mention in the 2021 IPA International Photography Awards
Click here to view them: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4, Pic5, Pic6, Pic7, Pic8, Pic9, Pic10
Shortlisted in the 2021 Lucie Foundation Open Call
Won the Finalist in Lucie Foundation's 2021 Open Call "Notions of Home" photo competition, in the"Abstract" section. Lucie Foundation is one of the world's most prestigious organizations that supports master and emerging photographers
My winning photo is published on Lucie Foundation's online exhibition, in the section of Abstract.
My winning photo is also available to be purchased in Lucie Foundation's Print Sale Gallery -- Lucie Store now. Lucie Store showcases the images by Lucie Honoree master photographers and Lucie Circle photographers who include Scholarship Program winners and Open Call finalists. The photographs come with the Lucie Foundation certificate of authenticity and seal on the back of the prints. Check my image in Lucie Store here.
Honorable Mention in the 2020 International Photography Awards
12 photos won Honorable Mention in the 2020 IPA International Photography Awards:
pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6, pic7, pic8, pic9, pic10, pic11, pic12.
Grand Prize Runner-Up in the Canadian Wildlife Federation Annual Photo Contest
Grand Prize Runner Up in Canadian Wildlife Federation's 2020 Reflections of Nature Photo Contest
My winning photo was published in the 2021 Jan/Feb issue of Canadian Wildlife magazine
Wiki Loves Folklore Photo Contest
Winner in Wiki Loves Folklore 2020 Photo Contest held by Wikipedia
The cover photo for the entry "Port de Grave" in Wikipedia is my winning photo
Canda Historic Places Day Photo Contest
Winner in both 2021 and 2020 Canada Historic Places Day Photo Contest held by National Trust for Canada
My winning photo was published in the 2020-2021 issue of Locale magazine
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