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I have joined the Emma Bulter Gallery
My artwork is now available to purchase through the gallery
My artwork was exhibited in ImageNation Paris 2024, the largest photography event in Paris dedicated to independent photographers.
My new art book
Impressions of Newfoundland: The Art of Ting Ting Chen
published by Breakwater Books has been released!
Order Now via Amazon. Free shipping for Prime Members
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Order Now via Breakwater Books
Ting Ting has won the Emerging Artist Award from the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council at the 39th annual Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Awards.
Ting Ting is featured on the page of "2024 Year of the Arts", a celebration initiated by the Provincial Government, dedicated to Newfoundland and Labrador's unique and colorful community.
Click the cover photo to see Ting Ting's award-winning artwork
Ting Ting's Overall Winner image of the 18th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, The Duke, is published in the No. 27 issue of the FotoNostrum Magazine in Spain. This image is also printed on the gallery banner for the 3rd Barcelona Foto Biennale and the 7th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography exhibits in Barcelona. Ting Ting's solo exhibit was held in Fotonostrum Gallery, Barcelona in November 2022.
Click the cover photo to see Ting Ting's featured artwork
Ting Ting's artwork was featured in the No. 29 issue of the FotoNostrum Magazine published in Spain.
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